Want to know how to buy a diamond?

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Department stores and mall jewelry stores love to sell their diamonds. They will tell you everything that you have the choice to watch and listen to you.

How to cut heart-shaped personal Oh is a wonderful occasion of your investment in "" It was very tasteful. Oh yes. The "canary diamond in Yada Blah -
I know I've worked in sales in diamond / jewelry, and found myself on both sides of the counter.

Diamond Heart Jewelry

After 12Years in a jewelry store, I learned some things. First, far from being a brilliant cut, sparkle of diamonds is not clear across the room at the party or the arena - for that matter. The stone should be able to cut the modern "perfect" or "brilliant" to reflect the best light.

You would not want a diamond does not dazzle the eyes. Some "cheaper" cuts not only monotonous round. The diamond cutters are very sophisticated these daysand use real science and physics at the corners of the depth and surface area to obtain the table (above), just in time to reflect light for maximum brilliance. If the stone is cut too shallow, you might think that the appearance of a large rock, but is cheaper because it is not that difficult - but I would not recommend it.

carat weight of diamond measured. A one carat diamond is about the size of a pea. The scales to measure the diamonds are very sensitive, but the weight is only part of the wholeConsiderations when buying a diamond.

Although the price should be no "statement" is true about these beautiful stones, but this is the point, right? A pink or yellow stone is generally not considered "high value" because the whole color diamond game is what is known as - "white-blue." An "E" Color brings you closer to that goal is reasonable. "D" color is almost theoretical. "F" is also excellent in diamonds, bad at school, but a great color for a diamond. L 'yellow "canary" Stones are not measured in this league. Also rose.

Clarity is hand in hand with the paint. Cut, color and clarity. Questions about "borrowing Jeweler Loupe is basically a powerful magnifying glass and let the stone look really close. Here you see the" bubbles "that little thread-like feathers, cracks, and grains of sand trapped in the carbon black or dark stone . The standard for this assessment is the abbreviation (for example), I VVS, very, very smallRegistration, or perhaps VS 2 (2 very small inclusions, SI - integration of small size. "

Here's what I say is a decent gem diamonds that could carry around and still look really good: A 1.05 carat, color E, S I. This can be thought of as such a "standard" Good to Great Wearable diamond ring jewelry should be worn in one.

The size is a sort of a carat acres of land in the sense that is all that is worth only one dimension orlittle more than if it is lower, the value is significantly lower. For earrings, the size may be smaller, but other factors are even more important - the sparkle of brilliant cut, color "E" and high transparency. On ears of stone work hard to impress the viewer and holds less important than the spark.

Remember, Diamond wealthy investors can be made ​​to "buy" super stones and keep them in a vault somewhere. It would be too risky to bring it to a certainParty and lose it somewhere. Most of us would buy them for ourselves or take a loved one and enjoy. That is, this entry has been requested.

So please remember these are only general guidelines and actual diamond prices change over time - usually in Shop around and get an idea of what the typical price of a good color (and G to H is still considered an excellent color), a diamond brilliant cut SI clarity and at least be for sale. Soon enough there will be agood idea to sell what is made of diamonds, and see that some dealers are more scrupulous than others.


Want to know how to buy a diamond?


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